Are you looking for…
Authentic relationships? Balanced spirituality? Purpose and meaning? Intimacy with God? Selfless love? Opportunities to reach out to others?
We are a group of people looking to fully live out a Jesus-shaped spirituality in today’s world. Drawing on ancient spiritual practices, we apply them in a contemporary fashion that makes sense.
The Community of Saint Columba is oriented around the following three principles:
Intentional Community
Four Practices
Community. Knowing, serving, and loving other participants in the local church.
Formation. Using spiritual disciplines to grow into the Image of Christ.
Mission. Loving and Serving God’s world in word and deed.
Abbey/Minster Church Model
Worship | Arts | Hospitality | Economics | Learning & Scholarship | Catechesis & Spiritual Direction | Rule of Life in Community | Ministry to the Marginalized | Peace & Justice |External Missions